Friday, January 22, 2010

An Explanation

The process of starting a blog was extremely difficult for me. I struggled with almost every part of it. But, in the end, the most difficult part was the title. My title is the probably first thing that you saw when you got on to my blog. So I wanted my title to be something that was interesting, deep, and summed up the entire point of my blog.

And so my search began. I believed that if the words in my title were long, difficult, or obscure, I would sound more intelligent. And who doesn't want to sound more intelligent? But as I found in search, more difficult words are not always better words. But I was not to be dissuaded. After a long and tedious search (about 5 minutes) I decided on the word jejune. The definition of jejune is, "without interest or significance; dull; insipid." Jejune used in a sentence: The blog you are now reading is jejune. Pretty good, huh?

And yet feel something is not quite right. Although I used a somewhat difficult word, I described myself as insignificant. Not exactly what I was trying to accomplish. But, because I'm tired, I don't have a desire to change it. Oh well, maybe my next post will be better. And maybe, just maybe, I will be able to redeem my sorry, sorry title.